Bouter LM, ter Riet G. Empirical research must be replicated before its findings can be trusted. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2020; 129: 188-190 Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Urlings MJE, Duyx B, Swaen GMH, Bouter LM, Zeegers MPA. Determinants of citation in epidemiological studies on phthalates: a citation analysis. Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics 2020; 26: 3053–3067. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Haven T, Pasman HR, Widdershoven G, Bouter L, Tijdink J. Researchers’ perceptions of a responsible research climate: a multi focus group study. Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics 2020; 26: 3017–3036. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Malički M, Jerončić A, ter Riet G, Bouter LM, Ioannidis JPA, Goodman S, Aalbersberg IJJ. Preprint servers’ policies, submission requirements, and transparency in reporting and research integrity recommendations. JAMA 2020; 324: 16: 1901-3. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Mejlgaard N, Bouter LM, Gaskell G, Kavouras P, Allum N, Bendtsen AK, Charitidis CA, Claesen N, Dierickx K, Domaradzka A, Reyes Elizondo A, Foeger N, Hiney M, Kaltenbrunner W, Labib K, Marušić A, Sørensen MP, Ravn T, Ščepanović R, Tijdink JK, Veltri GA. Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk. Nature 2020; 586: 358-60. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Duyx B, Urlings MJE, Swaen GMH, Bouter LM, Zeegers MP. Determinants of citation in the literature on diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer: a citation analysis. BMJ Open 2020; 10: e033967. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Tijdink J, Malički M, Bouter L, Gopalakrishna G. Are preprints a problem? 5 ways to improve the quality and credibility of preprints. LSE Blogs, 23 September 2020. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Dal−Ré R, Bouter LM, Moher D, Marušić A. Mandatory disclosure of the financial interests of journals and editors. BMJ 2020; 370: m2872. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Moher D, Bouter LM, Kleinert S, Glasziou P, Sham MH, Barbour V, Coriat AM, Foeger N, Dirnagl U. “The Hong Kong principles for assessing researchers: fostering research integrity”. PLoS Biology 2020; 18: e3000737. Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021
Gopalakrishna G, Bouter LM, Mayer T, Steneck N. Assuring research integrity during a pandemic. BMJ Opinion 2020. Published online Samira van der Loo16 February, 2021